Midweek Faith Lift
August 2, 2023
Unity Principle 3, Quantum Leaps
& Christianity
Rev. Deb Hill-Davis
Spiritual Reflection
July 26, 2023
We are used to thinking about Earth as a perfect sphere, but that’s not really the case. “The Earth is basically a lumpy potato,” said geophysicist Attreyee Ghosh. "Technically it’s not a sphere, but what we call an ellipsoid, because as the planet rotates the middle part bulges outward.” Our planet is not equal in its density, with some areas being more dense than others — that affects Earth’s surface and its gravity.
“Imperfection is not a sign of the absence of God. It is evidence of the ongoing-ness of the creative process which includes both perfection and imperfection.” – Scott Awbrey
Affirmative prayer: Today, I see my flaws as beacons, illuminating what within me is to be healed, restored, or made new. I know that the pattern of perfection at the center of my being is guiding me in ways of all good, of fulfillment, of service. Thank you, God, forever. Amen.
What a powerful awareness about the imperfection of the Earth as a “lumpy potato” rather than a perfect sphere! It is actually very reassuring, because in our own human-ness, we are all kind of “lumpy potatoes” just trying to get through the day….on some days! Good thing we have the ability to laugh at ourselves as we navigate life with our own particular “lumpiness!” Especially after all that lasagna and pie last Tuesday, during our Ragbrai meal!
Today we are exploring Unity Principle #3- “Thoughts held in mind produce after their kind” which is a very simplistic way of stating it. The Law of Mind Action is how we label this principle and while it is simple, our human approach to it is often far too simplistic. What we are navigating with this principle is the activity of our human mind and our divine mind and our observer mind, so which “thoughts” are we talking about here, anyway?!? And which are the thoughts that truly hold the power and capacity to make the changes we say we want to make in our lives and in the world? Those are not simple or easy questions, for sure.
One of the hazards of misapplying the law of mind action is to assume that our thoughts at the human level will automatically manifest what it is that we are thinking and wanting. That results in magical thinking which is a dead end and harmful. As much as we might want to use “spiritual thoughts” to escape the unpleasant and difficulty of our buried feelings, this kind of “spiritual bypass” ultimately is ineffective and unworkable and uncaring. “Miss-applied”, the law of mind action results in spiritual malpractice whereby we judge another and ask “what was in your consciousness that attracted that?”
Our understanding of psychology tells us that it is far more layered, nuanced and complex than that. For example, if a child holds thoughts of hatred of a parent for whatever reason, and that parent is fatally injured, we would not want that child to believe that their thoughts literally caused the death of the parent. On the other hand, the unresolved feelings and thoughts associated with the death of that parent may very well show up in some fashion in future relationships and interactions. Without recognizing the energy of these unresolved thoughts and feelings, we won’t really be able to change the energy of them. To try to use the “law” of mind action to do so would ultimately be futile and ineffective.
It is rather the combination of prayer, therapy, recovery as in 12-step work that integrates our divine, human and observer selves that restores us to harmony and equanimity. We are “lumpy” and imperfect, just like the earth. Only when we become “self-aware” enough to see our own lumps are we able to own them, learn from them and truly grow. That is when what I would call the Process of Mind Action” combined with the “Law of Heart Action” is most effective. When we direct the energy of our mind—human, divine and observer—to our own, personal spiritual growth and open our hearts to the higher spiritual energy of the Christ within us, then healing happens and how it happens is NOT our doing, it is God’s doing in and through us.
This actually requires us to surrender rather than use our minds to “take control” of things, to try and visualize what it is we want or think should happen. This brings us to Dr. Price Pritchett and the chapter of Quantum Leap Strategy that states: “Focus on Ends Rather than Means.” In that chapter he describes how children approach a challenge by keeping their focus on the end, not the means. He writes on page 12:
…..they (kids) are often practically devoid of “methodology”…they’re open-minded, goal-focused, and true believers in experimentation. They lock in mentally on their objective, and seem quite willing to let the goal determing the methodology. In fact, they proceed such that the goal often creates the methodology. The child does something for the first time ever, it works, and inherent potential is discovered.
He goes on to discuss how adults have it all backward: if there is no “methodology” than it can’t or won’t happen is the basic premise. And even further, I would add, that when we “use” a methodology like the “Law of Mind” action at the purely human level, then we just about plan for it not to happen. Our attachment to the outcome and to controlling the outcome leaves no room for Spirit as the Process of Mind Action is mostly all ego, fully self-involved with not much humility.
What is the real “Truth” about the so-called “Law of Mind Action,” then? Well, when Todd and I were talking about this, he said it really ought to be called the “Law of Heart Action” because it really is about what your heart desires, not just your thoughts or the activity of your mind! That really resonated with me for sure! This whole topic of the activity of the mind and heart is at the center of all New Thought teachings. For sure, the ability to be aware of what we are thinking and feeling and to take charge of that in a healthy way is the essence of Unity teachings.
When Myrtle Fillmore turned to a metaphysical approach regarding her journey with tuberculosis, she had let go of the human level thought processes and actions regarding her health and this disease. Doctors had told her there was nothing more they could do for her at that point. When she heard the affirmation, “I am a child of God, sickness is not my inheritance,” she adopted that as her mantra. She did not do so with the expectation, agenda, or attachment to a specific outcome. She just opened to the higher consciousness of her Christ-mind. She did not “think healing thoughts,” she just continually reminded her body, mind, soul of the truth of her identity. The side affect of that was her healing from TB. It s critical that we remember that!
As Rev. Paul Roach notes, Jesus was deeply connected with Divine Mind, so much so that people who approached him for healing were healed. He understood the power of that energy. He did not tell people to hold healing thoughts or to change their thinking to change their lives. Jesus never said that to anyone, he just demonstrated the truth of it over and over again. The story of his temptation in the desert before he began his ministry indicated that Jesus actively chose where to place his thoughts, his energy and attention and his love. Unity with the Father, his Divine Nature was his path. Later in his letters, St. Paul had it right when he said in Philippians 2:5 “Let the same mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus.”
The thoughts we hold do have incredible power and energy. What is tricky is to actually discern what thoughts we are actually holding. Rev. Skye St. John, a wonderful Unity minister said it this way: “If you argue for your character defects, they are yours!!” It takes wisdom, prayer, discernment, humility and surrender to let go of the thoughts we are so attached to about everything: what is fair, what is right, how people should behave, how people should be..and on and on. The Law of Heart/Mind Action manifests when we let go of our attachment to our human thoughts and trust that the Divine Ideas will manifest when we show up, willing to listen and do our part.
This is for sure a mystical path through the Christian story, one that does not rely on the “redemptive” power of the death and resurrection of Jesus. The “Truth” is that as Paul says, we die daily as we allow there to be more of God and less of us in how we show up. When we align with the Divine energy, we are surely on the right path, but that requires that we let go of our attachment to our human thinking about what should be. We work through our human thoughts and feelings, guided by Spirit so that our Observer mind can see the way to expressing the higher truth and following it!
I had to practice this last week in the days prior to our RAGBRAI meal. On Sunday, during the pre-planning meeting for how things would go on the day of, there were a number of “key” people who said they could not participate. And there were people who were not back from vacation who had promised to be there whom I forgot about. I had a moment of internal panic and melt-down about how all of it would get done in time! I lost my spiritual center for a moment. I forgot my own Credo scripture: Matthew 6:33- Seek first the Kingdom of God and all else will be added unto you.” Todd had to remind me that there would be plenty of helpers and that it would all come together, just as it had in 2018 when I was not there!
And by Sunday night, I had shifted into that place in mind and heart that brings faith that all is well, all will be well. And it was….
And we served and ate lasagna, salad, pie and ice cream…lots of it! And there was joy in the land, and plenty!!! AMEN!!
Blessings on the Path,
Rev. Deb