Midweek Faith Lift
The Power of Faith- Expectancy
Su Podraza-Nagle LUT
Good morning and welcome, especially to those who are joining us online.
We see you well, and healthy and we are so glad you are with us today.
Happy Superbowl Sunday! Many of us are as excited to see the Clydesdale’s commercial as we are our favorite Team playing!
And let’s not forget the Puppy Bowl…. Is there a Kitten Bowl also??
In the past weeks, we have been reviewing and learning more in depth, about our Power of Faith, and what perception and conviction of Faith may look like and how it moves in us.
Today, we will consider “Expectancy” as another aspect of Faith. Merriam Webster defines Expectancy as “the act or state of looking forward to some occurrence.” Sounds like a gift, doesn’t it?
Linda Martella-Whitsett states in her book, “Divine Audacity” that, “ Faith is demonstrated by a general sense of joyous anticipation. Remember a couple weeks ago, the little girl looking for her pony while mucking a horse stall? How was she demonstrating Faith? The child going on her first “ Big Person” roller coaster ride from the talk last week, standing in her conviction of Faith and excitement of amusement rides. Both of these examples are also examples of our expectancy of Faith.
Charles Fillmore, Unity co-founder, in Atom-Smashing Power of Mind, mentions that faith is a mental force that ignites spirits energy. When spiritual faith awakens the body's cells to expectancy, it leads to positive spiritual contact and remarkable transformations. Isn’t that a delightful way of expressing our spiritual growth in Faith?
There are countless stories in the Bible of joyous anticipation. Here are just 3 stories of Sarah, Elizabeth and Ruth. Older women of deep Faith who were told they would be conceiving in their older years.
The Bible states that Sarah was 90 when she gave birth to Isaac.
Elizabeth was 88 when her bundle of joy arrived and became known as John the Baptist.
Ruth was around 40 years of age when she had her son Obed.
Imagine their expectancy of Faith in action when being told they are going to be mothers.
Consider for a moment, your expectancy of Faith. Your, assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Let’s travel through Faith as expectancy within a life of a human being for a moment.
Taking a look first at outer “doings” first what do we see? What did you stand in Faith with expectancy? Christmas and Birthday presents? Possible winning Lottery ticket?... The lead roll in the school play?... Making the travel sports team…. First chair in band?... Your first bicycle…. Learning to ride your first bicycle…. Your BEST JOB ever! …The day you retired…. Your first date. … I have a feeling that the trillions of cells in your body, Charles talked about were really vibrating with that one. I know it did in mine. …The joyous anticipation of a committed relationship. … Your first fur baby or human baby. The level of expectancy you had, the Faith the fur baby or child had in you. What a blessing.
Now lets look at Faith in our spiritual life. When I was in my single digit years, and was introduced to a Belief System, I heard in my heart and mind that there was “more to it” than that. More than what I heard in Sunday school and coming from the pulpit from the minister. Imagine more! What was it? Through the years since, I kept my expectancy of Faith knowing that one day, I would find the more. It took some searching but isn’t that part of what we are here to do? The purpose we are here is to grow, seek knowledge, learn, evolve, and love.
Let’s return to the wonderful women I mentioned before and do a bit a metaphysics.
We’ve mentioned in the past that in Unity we look at the Bible as the evolution of our soul and soul work.
Using the Metaphysical Bible Dictionary:
Students, ready, here we go……
We see Sarah in us, as the affectional, emotional part of us birthing Isaac, our spiritual consciousness, with the age representing the trinity of trinities, Mind, Idea, Expression.
We see Elizabeth in us - Embracing a mindset of love and consciousness. Being in our 8’s we are building a foundation in the spiritual and the material realm of existence; Being physically and spiritually prepared. The birth of John the Baptist signifies a high intellectual perception of truth, but one not yet quickened by spirit. John represents the mindset that is zealous for the rule of spirit. This mindset is not spiritual itself, but it perceives spiritual possibilities and engages in activities that create conditions for the spirit to rule.
Then there's Ruth in us; the natural soul's love for the Principle behind all physical and spiritual matters. Her son Obed represents an active thought in spiritual consciousness, focused on service and worship. The number 40, it takes as long as it takes. Meaning, it’s the journey, not the destination.
Spiritual consciousness, Mind, idea, Expression. Embracing a mindset of love and consciousness. Building a foundation in the spiritual and material world. Having an expectation of Faith that eventually, you’ll get there.
When spiritual faith awakens the body's cells to expectancy, it leads to positive spiritual contact and remarkable transformations.
Do you recall the moment when you were listening attentively, and that quiet inner voice of Divine Presence affirmed that there is more to be discovered? Did it feel to you like a secret knowing? Right down in your gut. How did it feel when you started looking for the “more”? Leaning into your Faith perhaps not knowing you were growing your Faith of perception, conviction and expectancy? You began to mentally, spiritually hunger and the atoms and cells and your very mind vibrated with expectancy. Your spiritual journey in action! What does that look like for us, for you today?
There was an expectancy of Faith in the crowd of people when Jesus fed the 5000. Whether it came from a blessing from above, or if the crowd pulled all the resources they had together and gave them to Jesus to distribute, there was an expectancy that all would be fed. And they were.
Remind yourself to be fed. Hold fast to the spiritual growth of Faith. The perception, the conviction and the expectancy of your journey.
Faith……… I am still and centered in the bedrock of Faith……..
Focusing on the Christ in me and leaning in on the expectancy of Faith of this divine potential, I breathe……….
I am authentically moving in Faith in all things.
I hold to the belief with joyous anticipation, the spiritual and mental acknowledgment of faith,
I now stand with right perception, holy conviction and divine expectation of God’s good.
God, Principle, Omnipotence behind all things has given me a spirit of love, joy, and contentment
In silent meditation now, I affirm inner strength, peace, and faith. ………………….
As I come back to this moment I understand-
The presence of God within me is a limitless source of faith, strength, and power.
And so it is and so we let it be…….