Midweek Faith Lift
The “M” Word
Rev. Deb Hill-Davis
Money—the root of all evil! If there is anything that people will fight about in relationships, in groups, in churches, it is money, and of course sex, but today it is the “M” word not the “S” word that we are talking about. Whenever there is a scandal in a church, in business or in government or in a relationship, it is either about sex or money or both, as in sex for money. If we go off the rails in our human consciousness, it very frequently has to do with money and sex. I currently am aware of two ministers who were let go by their respective churches because of fear related to the lack of money in the church, among other things; one a Unity minister and one in another denomination.
Whatever the issues, money becomes the target….because it is such an easy target. It is the low hanging fruit in any conflict, easy to go after, but it doesn’t really resolve anything in Truth. When you find yourself arguing about money with family or spouse, how many times was it really about something else? It’s about some kind of fear or deeper unmet need for reassurance or acceptance. It is easier to displace our unhealed wounds onto money than it is to deal with the core issues. It’s not about the money but we use money to act out our fears, withholding it when we are unhappy in order to send a message. How confusing and unhelpful is that? What is the pain really all about?
It is time for some clarity about money. First, let’s get clear about what the Scripture really said about money. Here is what Paul actually said in 1st Timothy:
1 Timothy 6:10
10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, and in their eagerness to be rich some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pains. (NRSV)
Money is neutral; it is innocent. It is the consciousness in which you use money that causes much pain and limitation and lack. As Butterworth says, “You could turn this around and say, ‘the right attitude toward money is a root of all kinds of prosperity.’ ” (p. 148.) What, then is the right attitude toward money?
We have some examples of this from Jesus who did understand that his ministry needed financial support and that he had to pay whatever taxes were owed to the Roman government. Most of us are familiar with the story about “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and to God that which is God’s.” But there is another verse, which is in Luke and it describes how Jesus financially supported his ministry:
Luke 8:1-3
Some Women Accompany Jesus
8 Soon afterwards he went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God. The twelve were with him, 2 as well as some women who had been cured of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, 3 and Joanna, the wife of Herod’s steward Chuza, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their resources. (NRSV)
Wouldn’t you know it? The 12 male disciples get all the attention and hoopla, but it is the women who actually provide the resources, including the wife of Herod’s steward and “many others” who shall remain nameless. Good to know it has been going on like that since Biblical time, eh, ladies?
Clearly Jesus did not say “NO” to financial support from women. When they were short of funds, he did not lament. Instead, he directed Peter to go and catch a fish and sell it to use the money to pay the Roman head tax. Jesus understood that his ministry needed financial support, but it was not about the money, was it? He didn’t say to his followers, “Come follow me, and I will make you rich!” No, his message was “Come follow me and I will make you fishers of people.” Matthew 4:19. His mission was much bigger than financial prosperity and money.
So what is money anyway? And how is it that we have money so conflated with happiness, love and our spiritual good? Butterworth says that money is an “enabling symbol.” He says further “It is an tangible representation of intangible universal substance, ….that gives rise to faith and trust, credit and cooperation, which starts a flow of activity…Money is Good! Money is God in action!” (p. 151-2) Spiritual Economics. We call money currency and it is such an accurate description, because money is the tangible evidence of the flow of blessed Divine Substance or God energy.
We can often get caught up in a sense of lack when we think about money, worried that we need money that we don’t have. Butterworth turns that around and contends that our money needs us so that creative Divine Ideas can be manifested and put into the Divine Currency of God Energy. Money is good because it is God in Action. When we handle money, we are in that Divine Flow of God energy. When we bless our money so that it enables more of God to be made manifest in our lives and in the life of this spiritual community. That is why we bless our love offering every Sunday. And we give thanks, another key to handling money in Spirit.
So how do we deal with this fear that crops up that makes us revert to lack when we think of money, rather than how our money needs us? Take a look at the money you were handed when you entered the church today. Notice that on one side it is brown and it has a number on it, the number 5, which tells us what the limitation of this particular currency is: $5.00 and no more. Now turn it to the green side and what are the words that you see at the top, right under “The United States of America?” Yes, “In God we Trust.” Did you know that on larger bills, this lettering is in larger font? I didn’t either, but it is! Bigger number signifies even more trust in God!
Now, stop and realize what we have each done here. We turned over the bill from the brown side that represents the bill’s limitation: $5.00 and no more! On the green side is the affirmation of the limitless supply of the Divine! In God We Trust! On the green side is the powerful affirmation of the limitless supply of Divine Ideas, of Divine Substance. We can NEVER run out of that Source. Every form of US paper currency affirms God as Source. I am not sure how that happened, but it is an affirmation of Truth.
If we look at actual physical money metaphysically, the brown side is the side of limitation, our human limitations. Brown is associated with the power of release or elimination. When we let go of our limited human thinking, when we turn the bill over to the Green side, Green is the color associated with the heart chakra. When we turn to the Green side, we affirm our trust in the flow of God Love that comes to us and through us and flows into the God currency to bless others with unlimited good. We affirm that we are an inlet and an outlet for all there is in God. Our currency affirms our Divine/Human nature and the limitless possibilities that exist in God consciousness. Bet you’ll never look at money the same way from now on!
Our money is an extension of us, of our consciousness. And as Butterworth said, it affirms faith, trust, credit and cooperation. When you have a moment of worry, of fear of lack, bring your mind and heart back to that place of trust and love and step into the flow. Whenever you are faced with apparent lack, find a way to give, whether it be your money, talent or treasure. It is priming the pump to keep the currency of God love moving. Take this bill in your hand and affirm your trust in Spirit to provide all that you need. Turn it to the green side and remind yourself to love. Let it be a symbol of the faith that attracts your good to you and let it remind you to love and give generously of that love.
In the late 1920’s, there were a number of big projects underway at Unity Village when the Great Depression hit. These had to be put on hold until the financial stability of the country and trust in the whole system of US currency could be restored. Someone said to Myrtle Fillmore, “We better pray that the money holds out!” She gently corrected them, “No dear one, we need to pray that the faith holds out!” Because more than money, we need faith in that flow of creativity, of good ideas, of people and energy that is all part of this Divine Currency. We may run out of money, but we can never run out of faith!
The Board meets today, after the potluck. One of the things we always do is to review our financial status to see where we are and what we need. In that, we are following the example of Jesus. We do receive your financial support every Sunday, just like Jesus accepted financial support from his group of women benefactors. We do have to pay our bills. When I think of all that we have received since I have been here, these last 6 years, I am humbly grateful for our prosperity. We have been given so very much which has enabled us to give.
What does it take for us to maintain this community? It takes $40.00 a week per person on average, each and every week to meet our budget and expenses. We have done that every year and more ever since I have been here as minister. And we regularly tithe 10% of our income each month and give to charity as well. We affirm the flow of our good and we affirm “In God we Trust” so that in all matters, we are an inlet and outlet of God energy as we live in the Divine Currency of Love.
Blessings in the Flow,
Rev. Deb