Mid-Week Faith Lift
Freedom to Love
Su Podraza-Nagle LUT
February 6, 2022
We were given a valuable Gift from our Divine Source. That gift, one of our 12 Powers, is Love.
The energy behind the word has the power to heal, to unify, to bring joy, and create harmony.
Today we are going to explore the word “love” in that Book of Books, the Bible. I‘d like to show you how through the many translations we may have misplaced the nuances of the meaning of the word. Then as Truth students of Unity, as we all are, continue to express LOVE within ourselves and to others. Because as Karen Drucker says, There is only Love.
First, some fun-
The word love in the English language has more than one meaning.
Love as a noun, is an intense feeling of deep affection, to have a great interest and pleasure in something.
Love as a verb, is to feel deep affection for someone, or to like or enjoy something very much.
When we say the word “Love” we have a tendency to use different verbal cues to express the emotion or thought in order to get our point across.
As I say these phrases, or as you say these phrases to yourself, listen to the tone. “I love chocolate…..” “That puppy is so cute, I just love him!” ……. “I loved that book! I could read it again and again!” ….” Divine Love flowing through me blesses and multiplies.” Did you feel or hear the differences?
There are also moments when the word is used twice in a row to convey how we feel. Ever hear this sentence? “ I love it, but I don’t love, love it.” The verbal cues in this sentence are what truly explains the point we are trying to get across.
We also enjoy creating outward memories, emotions, and affirmations expressing the word “Love”
We sang a couple this morning.
Here are different categories expressing love that may bring up memories and smiles:
Music: “Love Shack” (B52’s), “I Will Always Love You” (Whitney Houston)
TV: “The Love Boat” “I Love Lucy”
Books: “Eat, Pray Love” and “The 5 Love Languages”
Cities: City of Brotherly love – (Phila)Delphia , City of love- Paris
There is even a cable /streaming channel practically devoted to love. Especially around this time of year.
Let’s not forget the card, flowers, and chocolate day!
Did any of these examples bring up warm fuzzies or a smile?
Points To Ponder: Class is now in session
Did you know that the word “Love” appears in the Bible between 310 to 551 times depending on which version of the Bible is used?
Also, the word "love" appears 57 times in the Gospel of John, more often than in the other three gospels combined. Additionally, it appears 46 times in the First Epistle of John.
Truth students, John IS the disciple that represents Love in our 12 Powers.
Translating the different types of love from the Hebrew language, in the Hebrew Scriptures( Old Testament) and Greek in the Christian Scriptures (New Testament) into English; the English language doesn’t have ‘word- for- word’ translations. There’s a total of 6 different types of words for love between the Hebrew and Greek.
The Hebrew Scriptures: Originally written in Hebrew
Hesed – lovingkindness. Translated as loving-kindness because no Greek or English word has a 1:1 equivalence. Fidelity, loyalty, patience, mercy, grace, forgiveness, covenantal faithfulness, and salvation (among others) are all concepts tied up with God’s lovingkindness.
Dod – romantic love. Used throughout Song of Solomon. Has anyone read the Song of Solomon lately?? Steamy stuff!
Christian Scriptures: Originally written in Greek
Storge- love of parents for children.
Eros – sexual or romantic love.
Philo – fraternal, friendly, familial, and brotherly love. (city of brotherly love)
Agape – Universal love. It’s often used to describe the loved one has with God, but it can also expand beyond that. The love for God, nature, or humanity –
From the six different words to one word.
Freedom to Love- What’s Love got to do with it?
Is it any wonder why we use different tones when expressing how we love?
How do we, as Spiritual Beings having human experiences, now, today, continue to express love? We may ask, how can we? Many of us are tired. Just plain worn out. Overworked, we may feel stressed, and we feel depleted.
What’s love got to do with it?
We, all of us were given The Greatest Commandment by our Master Teacher. Jesus. It’s possible that we have forgotten all the parts of the whole. Let me show you.
Matthew 22:34-40
New Revised Standard Version
When the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together, and one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”
Here are the parts which equal the whole:
Have we stayed connected to the One Power? Do we have a firm moment throughout the day when we connect to our Divine Source, God?
Are we able to love our neighbor as ourselves?
Have we honored the divinity in ourselves, love ourselves first, and then spread that love to others? Have we depleted our reserves of being a catalyst for love and being loving?
Let me give you an example. The airlines, all of them, give safety instructions at the beginning of every flight. Part of those instructions has to do with the oxygen mask. The instructions are these, “Put the mask on yourself first and then your child.”
Remember the word, “Hesed?” Lovingkindness. Loyalty, patience, mercy, grace, forgiveness.
Be loyal to yourself. Be patient. Take a time out. Do something for yourself no one else can do for you. Relax, have a spa day, take a nap or two, connect with a friend to just say hi, take a day in silence to listen to that still small voice of Divine Love. Take 2 days if needed.
How much of your To-Do list is truly important? Will your world really stop if you take a break? Give yourself the grace to say, “No, I am unable to do…..”
If we have disconnected from the One Power and One Presence, we are running on empty. If our love tank is on empty, we are unable to love our neighbor as ourselves.
When we reconnect, when we sit in the silence, when we choose to acknowledge the energy that flows in AGAPE love between the Source or our good, and it’s all good, we are able to uphold the Greatest Commandment.
Right here, right now, let's do a little exercise:
Put your right hand and put it on your left shoulder.
Now, take your left hand and put it on your right shoulder
Now Hug yourself like you love yourself.
Now affirm: God is Love. This love surrounds me, In this love I safely dwell.
Now for some Homework
Here’s an exercise for all of us to practice this Love month. Every day, for the rest of this month, look in a mirror of your home, we all have one… see yourself. Really see you. Hug yourself like you love yourself. Say the affirmation. “God is love. This love surrounds me, In this love I safely dwell.” Spend about 30 seconds just for you to love you.
See and feel that love radiating inward and outward. For some of us…., it may be a challenge, but you got this. You can do this. See the beauty of love shining through you as you. As you challenge yourself to complete this exercise, release any thoughts of, “It’s weird, awkward, embarrassing, goofy, or uncomfortable.”
Here’s a love verse to help- 2 Timothy 1:7 God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.
Choosing to love, whether it’s Hesed, Dod/Eros, Philo, Storge or Agape, starts with each one of us. Being able to love yourself. To honor, love with all our heart, soul and mind and to give freedom to that Power, that light, and then share it with others. This, is what we were told to do by our Master Teacher, Jesus in the Greatest Commandment.
What’s Love got to do with it? EVERYTHING. In all we do. We have the Freedom to Love!