2025 Burning Bowl & Letter to God

Mid Week Faith Lift

January 8, 2025


Rev. Deb Hill-Davis



"Good Morning, and Welcome to Flight # 2025. We are prepared to take off into the New Year. Please make sure your Attitude and Blessings are secured and locked in an upright position. All self-destructive devices should be turned off at this time. All negativity, hurt and discouragement should be put away. Should we lose Altitude under pressure during the flight, reach up and pull down a Prayer. Prayers will automatically be activated by Faith. Once your Faith is activated you can assist other passengers. There will be NO BAGGAGE allowed on this flight. The Captain has cleared us for takeoff. Destination: Divine Audacity!  

Let us Pray!

 “Living, loving Creator.  This day we come into the Presence, strong in faith, destined for Divine Audacity, hearts open, minds receptive to the gifts of Flight 2023.. We still our thoughts that we may hear Your thoughts speaking to us and through us now.”


“Open us to the vision of Your Divine Will at work in all we do. Let us perceive the potential of this day and every day of Flight 2025 to create for us the goodness of Your purposes.”


We are setting the intention to let go of all that hinders our Divine Unfolding.  When we do that, it is as clear as this singing bowl.  When we let go and then take it back, and let it go and take it back, it creates a continuous sound in our minds and hearts which is the sound of our resistance.  So as we now set the intention to release that which no longer serves us and to let it dissipate without resistance, we pray:

“Still the noise of our cluttered minds, as we rest

into the depths of meditation and prayer. Allow the noise of our minds to become fully still.  In the fullness of that stillness, strengthen our Faith as we open our hearts to new understandings of Truth.”  Amen!


Let us sing I Release and I let go…. again, as we open to all the possibilities of Spirit’s blessings for 2025.



“We now let go … and allow these words to guide the meditation of our hearts.”


“Yes, God…”


“I know this is a year of transformation…”


“I believe in the beauty, the possibilities, the transformations and the promises of Flight 2025 taking off in Faith.


“Within me is the faith and assurance that seeds sleeping in the earth’s cradle will awaken, break through into their divine fulfillment and become radiant expressions of Your Divine plan for beauty.”  Seeds sleeping within me will also awaken to Divine Expression, Divine Audacity.


“When we open ourselves to the infilling of Spirit, we need to create a space in which Spirit may work.


And so it is that I invite you to consider what is now within your consciousness that you would like to release, to place in the Melting bowl and see transformed by the Water of Spirit.” 


I invite you to write that one word or phrase that represents what you are ready to release from your life.


“God promises that a new thing will be done through us, when we create an opening for Spirit to work with us, in us and through us.


So now we open the way for Spirit to work.  We left our baggage at the gate, we set the intention of becoming willing to let go of our resistance. We breathe into this NOW moment and in this now moment we release any ideas of lack, of limitations, of struggle, of hurt and resentment so that Flight 2025 may gift us with its heaven!”


Let us sit for a moment in our seats, to know what it is we need to release….this is the sound of our release….


One by one we will come forward.  Bring your slip of paper and place it in the Melting Bowl and watch it as the Holy Spirit of Love dissolves it in its purifying water as you drop it into the Melting Bowl.”


In a moment we will write our letter to God to state our heart’s desires for this New Year.  But first, let us prepare an opening to the activity of Spirit in prayer and then meditation.


Let Us Pray:  “Right now, dear God, I greet this New Year, aware that I am your Divine Seed.  I am the wick in your candle. And I am filled with all the potentials for growth, perfection and transformation that your Light reveals.”


“Your Truth is now living within every cell and fiber of my being.  My very Breath assures me that Your Love now activates my every thought and word.  The joy of Your Life moving through me as the breath now quickens my actions.  The Presence of the living Christ assures me that all is well.”


“Creative Ideas for my work that are as yet dormant will awaken to the promise of this New Year.


Poems and songs that are as yet unwritten will flow through me to touch the hearts of others.


Books that are still embryos in my mind will mature into the inspiring revelation of Your Light in the months ahead.”


Friendships will strengthen in this year of transforming power. The synergy of caring enfolds me in the willingness to reach out and touch my fellow travelers along life’s pathway on Flight 2025.


In this New Year, dear Lord, I know that You are with me, empowering me to transform difficulties into steppingstones to mastery.  Faith tells me that everything I need is provided at every mile of this journey on Flight 2023.  Challenges are overcome in the victorious light of Your Truth.”


“Truly this is the best year of my life, for it is an expression of the eternal now.  I move forward into each day of this New Year.  Alert to its gifts, ready for its transformations, grateful for its lessons.”


“This is the year that the Lord hath made.  I will be glad and rejoice in it.”

“Thank you God.


MINISTER:  (meditation)  “Rest into the stillness for a time … connect with that power of God moving in and through you now.  Realize that before you now is the journey of a New Year … ready for you to design in whatever way you choose.”


“How will you create this New Year?  What are your goals, your dreams, your plans?”  How will the power of Faith carry you on Flight 2025?


MINISTER:  “Take some time now to create your letter to God.”


(Provide space and time and piano or organ music while congregation writes.)


MINISTER:  “Re-read your letter now.  Reflect on Spirit’s Truth revealed to you, and be at peace with it.”


“Fold your letter to God now and put it in the envelope provided and address it to yourself.  We will collect these send them back to you on Ash Wednesday. 


“Know that as you have asked, so it will be given to you. All the faith, strength, power, love and wholeness you affirm is right now gathering within you to enable you to know the strength of your convictions.  We begin this year, Flight #2025 with incredible faith, knowing that all we need for this journey is provided when we need it.   And so it is, and so we let it be, Amen.


Happy New Year….Welcome 2025!

Rev. Deb